Quota ♥

There are things we don't want it to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go.

YunzStudies: #Australia (Part 9)

Cold winter nights // Small droplets of rain.

Have been updating le blog, scheduling post so that the blog does not die off. And sometimes I do wonder whether does anyone reads. It feels like I could write freely, without a worry who is reading. 

Yet I can't say the same here.

Hence the lack of updates.

As the cold wind blows, I find that I write better somewhere else, instead of knowing that you, YES YOU, are reading this. I would LOVE to block you off, but atlas, I am unable to do so without making my blog private. All the stalking, just to report back to the HQ, about what I wrote and what nots. Talk about life being controlled, even right here on the internet.

Negativity aside, Here are some re-edited pictures to entertain my readers. 

Today consist of some cleaning and some leisurely taken photos. Since I was craving to shoot something with that DSLR of mine. 

"I wonder what mess did we got ourselves into??"

Ending with a messy view of the backyard, on a gloomy day. Pitter patter, small raindrops fall. I wish it turns Summer tomorrow.

Trying to stay warm, for now.

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