Quota ♥

There are things we don't want it to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It isn't what I like, it's what I love,

I guess I am going to take time off and blog, before I do not have the chance to do so. Semester has started. Assignments Projects, as we architecture students would call it, projects which keep us up all night and asleep when the sun shines up high, projects which makes our brains burst to come up with something good. Projects after projects that will come at us for the entire semester.

Now, before I hit the sack, I want to share a few things here that I found! Check out her blog here - Hong Yi. I love the way she writes! Which makes me have this urge to blog right now when I am supposed to be in bed, dreaming. This is the 2nd week of my semester and Project 1 is in process! I feel like I am killing my brain cells trying to come up with a concept and fixing the stupid expandable part of my structure. It's always about the concept. Go figure.

I am in need of sleep right now. I can feel my brain shutting down. Damn. It's going to be another hectic semester. I really must make it up for last semester where I slacked off. I totally screwed up last semester, slacking, emo-ed, cried, panic-ed, not to mention those sleepless nights and still unable to complete. Sucks real bad.

I am currently in my second year and second semester, and I have got to say that I am loving architecture more and more! I know, that sometimes I complain there's so much work to be done, or there's just no time for sleep or myself! But it's all good because I know, this is what I want to do and I will do it good. It's hard work, I know, and I know that I will pull through. =) Demanding as this course may be, but I love it anyways.

At the moment, I am feeling this way.
And its not even half the semester.

To end this crazy post, here is something I found on the same blog I mentioned above. For all you archi students out there, sharing is caring! =)

Some architorture humour to crack you archi students up!

If you are architecture students you’ve probably experienced:
-the taste of wood glue
-you get annoyed when people tell you to “go to sleep” or “do you still have a lot of work?” (!!!)
-your friends and you don’t have the same concept of work, ie “oh, you have homework? Well you can do it right before class…” (No way will this ever happen!)
-you’ve slept more than 20 straight hours on weekends
-you can easily discuss with authority the effects of caffeine on different drinks
-no matter the effort you put in a project, somebody will always say “why don’t you add this? or “why don’t you change this here? or “i think that…but…yeah, its ok?” (and that ‘somebody’ is my design tutor…grrr)
-whenever you get invited somewhere, it is followed by “or do you have a lot of homework?”
-your worst nightmare consists of not finishing a project
-someone once called you “lazy” and you wanted them murdered (lol. oh my goodness SO TRUE!!!)
-you can live without human contact, sunlight, food, but if your plotter’s ink runs out… chaos!!! (*nods*)
-when somebody lends you a Bic pen you look down at it
-you’ve gained the ability to sleep in whatever surface: pencils, keyboards, backpacks, your studio mates, food, etc (lol. sigh…)
-when you finally have free time to go out you keep thinking “who was the fool who designed the restaurant’s bathroom? “who designed this menu?” or “who designed this [chair, table, lighting, fork, etc]?”
-you’ve been at many sunrises, yet you’ve never really experienced one
- “You’re in architecture? Well…it was nice to meet, you, but I’ll probably never see you again.”

For more humour, visit Hong Yi

I think I need a room re-vamp.

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