Quota ♥

There are things we don't want it to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go.

Long gone but not forgotten.

I know that cobwebs are growing around here. It has really been quite sometime and this blog might need more than just a little cleaning. *sweeps* I lost my blogging mojo, and all that goes with it. Which explains why my blog has been stuck at that moment.

There's just so many things to blog about. Pouring my heart out here once more proves to be a challenge, since November until now, February, many things has happened. It's time to turn back to the place I call my solitaire, for it provides me tranquility, regardless of who is going to read or see this.

For now, I shall leave the heartbreaking stories out. As I have gotten inspired to return here due to an article with 11 awesome, inspiring stories. Click HERE for the link! =D You have to read it for yourself!


Oh the more I want to go traveling!!! Inspiring quotes I got out from the article makes me even more determined! Who cares about money? Earn as we travel! Experience a whole new culture and sights, those, I believe are the most precious memories one can bring back with them.

“Anyone can do it.”  
- Liz Carlson, English Teacher Turned Travel Writer

"After all, I’m just an average girl from Malaysia yet I was able to wander. 
If I can, so can you.” 
- Ying Tey, Felt a Sense of Urgency to Start Living After Mother’s Death

"The surest way to make more of your life is to become more aware of what’s out there- and to expand your definition of what’s possible." 
- Robert Schrader, Once a Victim of the American Economic Apocalypse, 
Now Makes a Living Traveling the World

“Life is an adventure now,”
“I’ve truly come to believe that if we can find the courage to do the things that make us feel most alive, we do not only ourselves a favor but the world a favor too." 
- Kim Dinan, Sold All Of Her Possessions And Traveled The World With Her Husband

“Sometimes, you need to take that leap of faith and follow your heart.” 
- Kate Hall, Needed a Life Change

What tugged at my heart the most was this.

“Every fear went through my head but being on the road taught me that the hardest part is getting the courage to walk out the door. The rest is a cakewalk. Everything on the road works itself out.”  - Matt Kepnes, Normal Guy Turned Serial Traveler

And so, have a little faith, and despite what the world has become nowadays, despite all the objections from family, I will go ahead and pursue that dream I have always wanted.

Alone, but not lonely. =)

Hurt, yet she keep on going, 
treading on unknown grounds she shouldn't be on.

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