Quota ♥

There are things we don't want it to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go.

I’m a Pirate, Take Me To Stranger Tides!

Ahoy there! It's time t' sail t' search for t' fountain o' youth! :) Now with the huge waves rolling in, it's just the right time to set sail!

Pirates of the Caribbean 4
Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides is just the right wave to bring me nearer to the good ol' Fountain of Youth!

I have been dreaming of becoming a pirate, not to mention, a real badass pirate! Aye! And the BEST 3 things about being a pirate has to be...

#1 Drinking to my heart's content!

You see, I have a slight allergy to alcohol but what's a pirate without rum?

A drunk pirate is a happy pirate! :D

That's all you can find on high seas, and it's the most important part of being a pirate! The more ye drink the more piratey ye become! Aye! Ain't that so? Don't come bangin' on me door askin' why is the rum gone or you will be lookin' for a fight with me!

That's how on ship fights happens after much drinkin' I s'ppose. The most important rule when you are in a fight is, never, I repeat, NEVER get hit by what other be using!

#2 Having an awesome ship.

How AWESOME is it to have your own ship?

First and far most, is getting a ship. A ship that is as good and scary like The Black Pearl, or worst, The Flying Dutchman. My ship would be better because not only it will outrun any ship,it will strike fear and terror into all those who sees it, even if it's just a glimpse. Not to mention, loaded with gunpower and canons, and a vicious crew, we be always ready to blast holes and condemn you to Davy Jones locker!

Oh and, I need a compass like Jack Sparrow does! A compass that shows you your heart's desire to navigate the ship!

Jack Sparrow : Stop blowing holes in my ship!

#3 The Adventure!!!

Last! But not least, it would not be the destination but the journey!

Together with a compass that shows your heart's desire, I'm all set to embark on a journey to search for the greatest treasure available!
Imagine the journey full of pretty ladies hot handsome hunks, landlubbin' people, mermaids, zombies, not to mention, Davy Jones trailing your ship, how can one care about the destination when t' journey be far more excitin'?

Sword plays!
Ship battling!
Partyin' abroad!
Escaping from jail!
Running from t' natives!
Stealing a ship!

It beats stayin' at home!

So encounterin' mermaids and zombies be nothin' t' be afraid of as I embark on my journey in search for the Fountain o' Youth!

I wonder what awaits me out thar..

It better be t' tickets to watch the premiere so that I can please me mother, for t' fountain o' youth ain't gonna please her much!! ARRR!

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