Quota ♥

There are things we don't want it to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go.

I will always love you.

Starring at the midnight sky, drinking in all the darkness that it has to offer. The yellow light emitted by the street lights nearby gave comfort, and the crickets sing a sad song only her ears can hear. Cars zoomed pass, and cats pranced by, but none of which made her move. Sadness flow through like it was part of who she is.
Standing in the middle of the room, overcome with sadness. So badly, she wanted to cry her heart out, for all the sadness that her heart has held for the past few days, as people say : you'll feel better after crying it all out. But she just couldn't bring herself to do so. She kept telling herself, over and over again, that crying won't solve anything, and crying definitely can't cure the sadness in her heart. On the edge of letting go, too tired to just hold on for much longer, her heart aches.

Every time she look at her phone, she expect a message to come through. Without fail, she expect the message to be from him. But it's not like every time by just looking at the phone a message will come. So patiently she waits. To the extend that she wishes that when she opens her bedroom door, he would be standing there. Or maybe, just maybe, he'll be standing at the front gate, just waiting for her to look out that window. But of course, can't even stay awake just to wait for her, how could he be outside her house?

So much heart put into caring, and nothing but just caring. Even little notes were left just so he would notice, to ponder upon it. Assuming is all a girl can do but what good will that bring if the other won't do anything? Too heartbroken to make a move, too heartbroken to say anything, and just bask in the moment of her company, her care, her kindness and all that she can offer. Day by day, as happy as she was caring, day by day the smile on the face disappeared. So much that she ended up caring from a distance. Gradually, she was putting a wedge in between. "Tell me you don't need me, give me a reason to leave." silently she pen those words down on a yellow paper.

The bottle is so full, yet when the lid is opened, nothing comes out. Taking all the suffering with her, she has decided. When two heartbroken people comes together, they end up falling for each other eventually. So she decided not to stand in the way, let time work it's magic. It's enough, from the beginning right up to now. A tear rolled down her cheek as she played those memories. It's enough, he said. And by that, he took her hand, leading her away from those that has been feeding her sadness. One last glance,she whispered into the air, "I'll always love you."

No one ever gets tired of loving.


I guess this is another short story from me. My last one was this (click HERE). I have been trying to get inspired to write but I guess it wasn't sufficient enough to get my starting but tonight, some things seemed clearer as I ponder upon certain stuff. Again I would say, it's not as good as what you read in story books, but I am writing it in my own way, the way I see fit and I am still improving. :) Now here's a song I find touching. Might not go well with the story above though. Sorry 'bout that. (Will find a better song to suit!)

So many things
To do and say
But I can't seem
To find my way
But I wanna know how

Oh, why do
I reach for the stars
When I don't have wings
To carry me that far?

but everyone gets tired of waiting, assuming, hearing lies, saying sorry, and hurting.

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