Quota ♥

There are things we don't want it to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go.

Scribble Pringles all over!

It all started with a piece of paper stating down the food for this Saturday's steamboat party. The paper was supposed to state what kind of food and drinks we want but somehow things got out of hand and got ugly. The poor paper wasn't spared.

You can click to enlarge it.
As you can see, the paper was vandalised.
Food and drinks were stated there but it turns out that this piece of paper was used as a playground for us, DURING class.

Flip the paper over...

A BIG mess again. x)
Can you see a red hot chilli there?
It was drawn by a friend named Jonathan for another friend named Ang Chee Li (Chili).
How sweet. >.<

When naughtiness gets the best of me, this is what I will do.

I started this Hoo-Ha.
See how creative my friends can get, DURING class.
Lots of loves for brother Sam. ;)


I had bread for lunch so I end up with an empty stomach when I reached home. So guess what I did best? I went to the grocery shop opposite my house to grab a can of Pringles! Say good bye to my slender figure.

Oh you can see the LURVE packet in the background. ;)

Yummy. Right?

Well, I guess that is the cause of my upset stomach right now. :S
No more eating Pringles in bulk.

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