Quota ♥

There are things we don't want it to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go.

The Three Musketeers.

"tous pour un, un pour tous"

That's all for one, one for all, in french. Went in watching this movie without knowing anything about it, came out knowing that the soundtrack is good. What the hell. :D Not a movie worth watching twice, unless you have a "thing" for Orlando Bloom, or maybe Milla Jovovich.

Or maybe the young Logan Lerman, or whoever you like in the movie. There's not really an omph that you can get from this movie, although it's quite filled with action. But there were some part that got me gasping! Fun and wild, I learn something from it. Life's too short to be wasted doing nothing.

Fight, love, live.


It's been a long time since I have written about movies that I have watched. Come to think of it, I haven't got the mojo to blog about the amount of AWESOME food I encounter last month! That's in the past. I'll try to remember to blog when I encounter good stuff. :)

I must say, the storyline is pretty predictable. Want to watch The Three Musketeers? Watch it in 3D. Because the movie started off good that it got me thinking, it's better watched in 3D eh?

Rating : 5/10

It's Real Steel next weekend. ;)

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