I'm happy to be back. Laughing, going crazy and all, I love it. It's good to be back to school. Feels like home. ;) I hope everyone's happy too.
So first day of school seems like.. the first day of school lah! Where you see old friends you go : "YO!" Or maybe a wave and a smile, or maybe, you go : "Hi! How are you?" My third semester. Hope it will be filled with loads of laughter and fun as usual even though our group - the 16 of us - have a timetable which is slightly different. A few of us have a different timetable due to some rescheduling by UTAR. -.-
Starting third semester, I am geared up to get to know a few more new friends. I hope. By starting with the school's canteen cat.

Yes. This cat. I bet you have seen him at least once in one of my previous post. Yet today, I acted as though I have not seen a cat in my life before, I kept pointing at and orange tabby and said : "EH. UTAR got new cat!" Yes. That is how jakun I can get.

He's eyeing the food in my hand while I tried to snap a picture of him.
Yes. The NEW cat in UTAR.
First class was kind of boring. I can fall asleep. A subject called English For Engineering. Darn. I took a look at the past year papers just now and I went : S***. I do not know how to pass an English paper anymore.
Next class was a subject called Building Services & Equipment I. Right. Another boring lecture. I was half listening and half toying around with friends and my camera (as usual). So here are 2 shots of my friend MARTIN LAI.

First, I don't know what he was doing.
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