Quota ♥

There are things we don't want it to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go.

The meaning of number of roses and their colours.

I suddenly remembered and went to do a research online. Of course. With Google. Results were satisfiying i can say. :)

This came up the other day while I was talking to a friend. She was telling me about receiving roses from her boyfriend. We were talking about the number of roses received which signifies something. I told her that I only knew the meaning of a single rose and 3 roses which means 'you are the one' and 'I love you'. My friend nodded and told me that I can Google about this online.

I went : "what?! You can Google about this as well?" Well, I did not know. For certain reasons I am still living underground. So now, come to think about it, I Googled and found what I was searching for. :)

The meaning of number of roses

1 rose (love at first sight/you are the one)
2 roses (mutual feelings)
3 roses (I love you)
5 roses (I love you very much)
6 roses (I love you, I miss you)
7 roses (I'm infatuated with you)
9 roses (together as long as we live)
10 roses (you're pretty)
11 roses (you're my treasured one)
12 roses (be my steady)
13 roses (forever friends)
15 roses (I'm really sorry)
20 roses (I'm sincere towards you)
21 roses (I'm committed to you)
24 roses (you're always on my mind)
36 roses (I'll remember our romantic moments)
40 roses (my love is genuine)
99 roses (I'll love you till the day i die)
100 roses (I'm totally devoted to you)
101 roses (you're my one and only)
108 roses (will you marry me)
365 roses (I love you every single day)
999 roses (my love will last till the end of time)

There are other sites that adds a little more information about this.
Check them out HERE.

It's not like I am expecting someone to send flowers to me. I always tell whoever that I don't like to receive flowers for any occasion. Really. I am dead serious. But secretly inside me, I wish to receive at least, one bouquet of flowers. Sheesh. Secret's out. HAHA. But I really don't want flowers. As I do not like taking care of them. Anyway, I have a liking for WHITE roses. Don't ask why. I just LOVE WHITE roses. Red is okay for me but of course, I still prefer WHITE. Just like how I am so in love with WHITE chocolate.

Google-ing the meaning of number of roses has also lead me to stumble upon the meaning of a coloured rose. Which I find it very interesting as well. :)

The meaning of coloured roses

Red roses are the traditional symbol for love and romance, and a time-honored way to say "I love you." The red rose has long symbolized beauty and perfection. A bouquet of red roses is the perfect way to express your deep feelings for someone special.

As a symbol of grace and elegance, the pink rose is often given as an expression of admiration. Pink roses can also convey appreciation as well as joyfulness. Pink rose bouquets often impart a gentler meaning than their red counterparts.

White roses represent innocence and purity and are traditionally associated with marriages and new beginnings. The white rose is also a symbol of honor and reverence, and white rose arrangements are often used as an expression of remembrance.

The bright, sunny color of yellow roses evokes a feeling of warmth and happiness. The warm feelings associated with the yellow rose are often akin to those shared with a true friend. As such, the yellow rose is an ideal symbol for joy and friendship. They can also express jealousy, so sending someone one can mean that you are jealous. The best thing to do is to attach a note to the rose, explaining exactly what you mean.

With their blazing energy, orange roses are the embodiment of desire and enthusiasm. Orange roses often symbolize passion and excitement and are an expression of fervent romance. A bouquet of orange roses will send a meaningful message.

Peach rose is used to send a message of friendship to a best friend or even to a lover.

The unique beauty of the lavender rose has captured many hearts and imaginations. With their fantastical appearance, lavender roses are a perfect symbol of enchantment. The lavender rose is also traditionally used to express feelings of love at first sight.

Purple rose expresses beauty. So if you want to tell someone he/she is beautiful send him/her a single purple rose.

A single black rose says 'it is over'. This is a way of ending a relationship - sending a single black rose together with a note.

I combined to sources informations here. I bet you didn't know there were many meanings about the colour and the number of roses you give to people. I finally learnt something about roses today after doing this little research. I hope this enlightens you the way this enlightens me.

Some source may have a different meaning all together but after reading through, it's just the sentence and how they decipher the meaning is slightly different only. The meaning is still the same. So remember to check out the meaning of number of roses before you send out to that girl! ;)

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